Service and Warranty

1. When I need service, whom do I contact?
2. How long is the warranty?

1. When I need service, whom do I contact?
     If service is needed, we will dispatch an authorized service center to correct any problems.
     However, we stipulate in our warranty terms that if an authorized service center is not available in 
     your area, the part(s) must be shipped back to the factory and repaired/replaced at our

2. How long is the warranty?
Your Pool Pilot is covered at 100% for the length of your warranty, no proration. Click on the
     Warranty link for specific terms.


Chemicals and Equipment

1. Do I eliminate the need to add chemicals?
2. Will I have to run my equipment more?
3. How long will the cell last?
4. What cell do I have?

1. Do I eliminate the need to add chemicals? 
    The Pool Pilot does one thing, generate chlorine. However, the purity of this chlorine has less
    effect on the overall water chemistry balance, therefore, LESS chemicals are needed to
    rebalance the water. Your Pool Pilot recommends periodic (weekly or bi-weekly) testing of
    stabilizer levels (60 - 80 ppm), Free Chlorine (2 - 4 ppm for pools and 3 - 6 ppm for spas), pH
    (7.2 - 7.6), and salt levels (2,500 - 3,500 ppm). Since we do not affect the Total Alkalinty or
    Calcium Hardness, a monthly check is sufficient.

    In some cases, you might still need to add chlorine for shocking purposes due to extremely
    heavy bather loads, rainstorms, or accidents (fertilizer, excessive organic debris or kiddy 
    poo-poo) but will not affect your Pool Pilot.

2. Will I have to run my equipment more?
The Pool Pilot allows for multiple configuration set-ups so that you can generate sufficient
     amounts of chlorine during your current pump circulation time. For regions that have short
     circulation times, you can increase the output power of the Pool Pilot to compensate.

3. How long will the cell last? 
There are many variables that have a profound effect on cell life.
  1. Pool size
  2. Swim load
  3. Water features
  4. Pool temperature
  5. Power setting on power supply - maintain proper residual, not higher than 3 ppm for max life
  6. Cyanuric levels must be maintained
  7. Proper run time settings on power supply
  8. Maintaining proper water balance to prevent scaling and lower reversing cycles
  9. Use and size your cell properly for max life.

RC-35/22 Cell will produce the equivalent of 200 lbs. of pure gas chlorine in its lifespan.
RC-42 Cell will produce the equivalent of 300 lbs. of pure gas chlorine in its lifespan.
RC-52 Cell will produce the equivalent of 575 lbs. of pure gas chlorine in its lifespan.
CC-15 Cell will produce the equivalent of 1,000 lbs. of pure gas chlorine in its lifespan.

100 lbs. of pure gas chlorine equals:

  • 100 gallons of liquid chlorine
  • 112 lbs. of trichlor tabs
  • 150 lbs. of cal hypo

4. What cell do I have?

Old SC New Old AP New
SC-36 RC35/22 AP-150 RC-5
SC-48 RC-42 AP-250 RC-7
SC-60 RC-52 AP-500 RC-15


1.  What kind of salt can I use?
2.  Where do I add the salt?
3.  How much salt do I add?
4.  What happens if I add too much salt?
5.  How often will I need to add salt?

1. What kind of salt can I use?
     Acceptable salts include Food grade salt, Water softener pellets, Solar salt flakes, Water
     conditioner salt, or Brine blocks. Avoid Rock Salt as it contains too many impurities!

2.  Where do I add the salt?
     What is most important when adding salt is to brush it around until it is dissolved. This is
     accelerated by turning your pump on, opening the bottom drain and adding the salt over
     the drain, rather than walking around the perimeter while adding the salt. It is recommended
     that you continue to run the pump for 24 hrs so the salt can spread evenly throughout the pool.
     With Granular salt, 60-70% will have dissolved before hitting bottom. The remaining salt can
     simply be brushed into the drain which will then complete dissolution. With all other forms of
     salt, it will take longer to dissolve but the same process will accelerate the dissolve rate. Simply
     brush the salt in a pyramid over the drain to increase dissolution.

3.  How much salt do I add?
Enough for 3,000 ppm (parts per million) as a starting point. So depending on the initial salt level
     of your water, you only add the amount needed to establish 3,000 ppm. For new pools or freshly
     filled pools, the salt level will most likely be zero. In this case, 50lbs of salt per 2,000 gallons of
     water will establish 3,000 ppm. For existing pools, the previous usage of chlorine bleach or
     tablets will have already introduced a level of salt into the water. Have the water tested first then
     add the appropriate amount to establish 3,000 ppm.

4.  What happens if I add too much salt?
     Oversalting will not harm your Pool Pilot system, but will lead to salty tasting water. For some, this
     is not undesirable as it will more closely match our bodies natural salinity level, making it more  
     comfortable to swim in. If it is too excessive (over 6,000 ppm), you can sustain corrosion damage
     to metallic equipment such as stainless steel handrails, ladders and filters, light rings, or copper
     heat exchangers. To reduce the salt level, dilution is the solution. Drain some water and refill with
     fresh water.

5.  How often will I need to add salt?
     After the initial dosage of salt, you will only need to add salt when necessary. The most common
     ways salt is lost is through leaks, rainwater overflow, filter backwashing, and bather splash
     out/carry out. Normal water evaporation does not lose salt, it increases the concentration. The
     make up water added to bring the water level back to normal will then reduce the salt
     concentration back to 3,000 ppm.

     The Digital and Soft Touch units both have low salt indicators, with the Digital going further to
     provide the proper salt amount needed to restablish 3,000 ppm (based upon the programmed
     pool volume input).


Salt Chlorine Generators

1. Why Chlorinate your pool?
2. Why a Salt Chlorine generator?
3. Why an AutoPilot Salt Chlorine Generator?

1. Why Chlorinate your pool?
You enjoy fresh clean water in your swimming pool. For the health, safety and comfort of you, your
     children and guests you want the most sparkling water in your swimming pool. Chlorine is the
     best way to sanitize water, be it drinking water or swimming water. There are many common
     ways to sanitize your pool with chlorine; chlorine tablets, liquid chlorine, granular chlorine and
     chlorine gas. The easiest and safest way is to generate your own chlorine at a constant low level.

2.  Why a Salt Chlorine generator?
     Salt is a natural element found in the earth, in our body and in our homes. It is used to season
     and preserve our food, rinse out contact lenses and soften our drinking water. Salt is a very
     economical commodity. When the ions in salt are passed over specially coated blades and
     induced with a low voltage electrical charge it is converted into chlorine. It is the same process
     that is used to convert seawater into laundry bleach. When this process is incorporated into your
     swimming pool you have your very own "chlorine generator".

3. Why an AutoPilot Salt Chlorine Generator?
     AutoPilot has been the technological leader in the chlorine generation process for swimming
     pools since 1976. There are over a half million satisfied AutoPilot owners worldwide. In fact
     over 90% of the swimming pools in Australia are sanitized with chlorine generators. AutoPilot
     sets the standard for dependability, features and performance ... and has a unit to fit every need
     and budget.

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